quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2017

The Game of Life for 2 Players.

|| Obstacles are walls in the game of life. You've finally reached a wall that you cannot destroy. ||

A relationship is a soup of feelings and experiences: love, partnership, fun, pleasure and sorrow. Different soups have different quantities of each ingredient, but they all have one thing in common - they all die. Their death comes either before or after people die - generally before.

So what makes it good?

What makes it good is what makes everything else in life good - the experience is worthwhile in its finite duration. It is good while it lasts.

Right? It makes sense. Except it is wrong - as wrong as could be.

What makes it good goes beyond the duration of any relationship. 

A relationship is an opportunity to expose your own faults as a human being. The true treasure that all relationships can provide - even the ones who die off early - is the opportunity for any person with self-awareness and drive to spot and improve as a person.

If you are a jealous person and that fact is damaging your relationship, it's your own fault - not your partner's fault, not the fault of both. This is often a serious problem, because people lack the courage, honesty and maturity to see it for what it is; it hurts that the problem is with them and not with the world around them. Realizing that jealousy almost always sprouts from insecurity and lack of self-confidence and should be improved upon by yourself, for yourself is itself a great reward that is not taken by many jealous people during and after their relationships.

A relationship is the game of life, now being played by two intimate, close players. They have to cooperate, help each other, learn from experience, be courageous and overcome obstacles or see their partnership die a slow, agonizing death.

For those ever-thristing souls, for those minds aiming for the high skies of consciousness and happiness - this is often what a relationship can bring to the table, independently of its duration. 

My self-love and strength were unburied after my first relationship. My happiness and confidence were unburied by my last relationship. Specially for the last, I am truly, wholly grateful.

|| I will go back and gather the debris from all the other walls and jump over this one. So goes the game we call life. ||